Sunday, September 11, 2016


From Gare Saint Lazare I took the train to Caen, where Jeruen had the conference. Caen is a nice town in Normandie, with over 100 thousand inhabitants. It was ruined twice, once in the Hundered Years' war in the mid 14th. century by King Edward III of England, who conquered the city in one day, and to be on the safe side killed half of the population and burned down the town. 6 centuries later the British did it again, liberated the town from the Nazis, destroying most of the buildings, and killing about 2000 civilians.
Some streets were not damaged and remained untouched from the 15th. century. Caen has a very interesting atmosphere.

Center of the town:

Monastery at the City Hall

Grave of William the Conqueror



Castle of Caen with modern art:

Rich population:

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