Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Barrio Norte and Puerto Madero

In the morning I went to buy strings for Charango for a friend of mine. Amazing: here it costs around 18 shekel, in Israel 90. Anyway. I picked up the laundry from yesterday, then walked out in the city. I walked all the way up on Ayacucho (my street) to the north. There I was walking all around the northern neighborhood: Barrio Norte. Green parks with sculptures, ancient cemetery, and a Design Mall in between. Hot day.

En la mañana compré cuerdas de charango para un amigo mio, que me las pidió. ¿Qué más se puede pedir? :) Es más barato que en Israel. Yo trajé de vuelta la ropa limpia de la lavandería, y después salí en direcion a Barrio Norte. Estuve caminando por mi calle (Ayacucho) hasta Alvear. Acá he visto todos los lugares del barrio. La iglesia, el cementerio, y el centro de tiendas de diseño de cosas para la casa.

Unos fotos:
From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires

When I took this picture I took a step back to get better angle. Then I suddenly felt that something touched my shoulder. That was only a leaf from the tree, but I instantly associated with skeletons and skulls... Hahaaaa!
From Buenos Aires

Then I took a taxi over to Puerto Madero, where I bought tickets for Friday to go to Colonia Sacramento in Uruguay. It is a World Heritage site and it's worth 3-4 hours to walk around. Then I took a walk and a wonderful icecream.
From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires

From Buenos Aires
From Buenos Aires

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