Sunday, August 20, 2017

Oslo - Norsk Folkemuseum

Oslo is a perfect destination for Easter. Sites are open and the weather is warmer compared to the winter.

The open-air heritage museum is a pearl. It preserves the old agricultural lifestyle of the Norwegians, and it opens it up to the public at the same time.

These buildings are really really old.

Smile! Yay!

 Church museum. With hanging ships. What else?

Tricky houses.

After shipping ourselves back to the city we visited the Nobel Prize Museum for Peace. The exhibition scans all who ever won a Nobel Prize for Peace and explains the history related to it.

Then we were meandering a bit in the port area and finally ended up for dinner at a restaurant called Eataly.

 Aaaaaa..... heeeeelp!!! ^

 The port area

 Norwegian Brown Ale

Yummy. What ever that is.

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