Monday, April 12, 2010

Spain - 2010

So where did I stop blogging the tour? Oh, yes, that I don't have Internet access and I don't have the camera's USB cable. Hm. So I came home to Tel Aviv with the hope that I'll upload pics soon, after all I have the camera's cable and a card reader as well. Damn, I don't find the camera's cable. Really. I turned upside down the whole apartment. No cable. And to top all that I can't find the card readers cable as well. However I did find several totally useless cables in different colors. I found that searching a cable for more that half an hour is a terrible bore. So I stopped it for today. I'll find some solution.
Anyway. Spain.
We arrived in the middle of Santa Semana: the holy week when Christians celebrate the Easter. I've never seen this fest celebrated in a relatively religious country. One of the most visible parts of the celebrations is marching on the streets in different uniforms of the Church. The uniforms differ according to the age, and the instruments they play. Drums, trumpets, cymbal and other stuff, they wear funny hats, making the streets colorful and noisy. Seems that people who are not very religious all year around suddenly feel a great motivation to demonstrate for religion. A little bit like in our Yom Kipur, when non-religious people decide to fast, or any similar phenomenon.
We saw them in Segovia, in Avila and in Toledo as well as far as I can recall from my fading memory.
Will continue tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In Toledo we didn't see them. As far as I remember :-)